Unlock Dashboard Tools in AIM Vision ERP - AIM Com

Gain Dashboard Tools in AIM Vision ERP

 In Product

Automotive suppliers and similar manufacturers need business intelligence on the shop floor that meet their unique requirements – and they need the data in formats that match their operations. Required formats might be bubble charts or line or column charts or speedometers. AIM Vision’s dashboards offer easy-to-use data charts and graphs that come in flexible formats to meet those needs. AIM Vision’s software and mobility apps put data and KPIs where they’re needed in real time.

The benefits of flexible dashboard data are immense: management can quickly identify work areas that are or are not meeting performance goals and make necessary changes. Regularly scheduled KPI reports give management shop floor data in real time, leveraging visibility and real-time intelligence. Dashboards offer updating options in real time to deliver data by the minute, hour, day, week, and more. Any report users create more than once can and should become a dashboard.

AIM Vision Dashboards, Charting and Data Visualization Tools

Working with iDashboards, AIM Vision delivers charting and data visualization tools directly on the shop floor and in the office. Using business intelligence embedded in the software, AIM Vision offers instant and secure access to all AIM data, giving users intelligence about everything happening on the shop floor and in the back office via dashboards and data visualization. Mobile apps on the floor mean workers share key performance indicators on mobile devices and office computers. In addition, AIM Dashboard Productivity Packs automate daily process management tools like , work cell Hour-By-Hour production data and Material Handling figures for full efficiency.

The examples highlighted in this video show a sample QDIP dashboard spotlighting sales, quality, delivery, inventory, and productivity and purchasing data. By manipulating the different charts and graphs in the sample, users can see sales per day, scrap values by day and monthly trends. On the shop floor, users can expand data by date and drill down to see sales by destination, quality by day or other time period, scrap values and quantities by reason code and all scrap events, among others. The system offers various date ranges for the data, including current month or period, previous month or period, and year-to-date. The flexibility built into the dashboards means users can export the charts to Excel and import data from Excel.

Dashboard Data on Any Device, Anywhere

AIM Vision dashboard data are viewable on tablets, phones, and PCs inside the plant, and, with a secure VPN connection, are viewable from any device, anywhere. When used with AIM Vision Mobility MES apps, the AIM Vision Productivity dashboard hyperlink provides real-time information on activity within a work cell, for example:

  • Current status of work centers by department
  • Which jobs are running
  • How long jobs have been running
  • Which mode work cells are in – run or down mode

The system includes a hyperlink to the white board schedule, which is viewable from any browser and accessible from dashboards.

AIM’s Hour-by-Hour dashboard complements AIM Vision mobility MES by showing information usually collected on a white board in the cell, such as:

  • Hour-by-hour production rate
  • Start and end hour
  • Net number of working minutes
  • Jobs run with steps
  • Goal pieces
  • Good quantity
  • Actual vs. goal
  • Scrap quantity
  • And more

The system updates the information on the dashboard in real time and makes it available at the work cell, desk or office for review.

User Roles and Rules

Management sets the rules on the dashboards governing user roles and rules, setting up users as viewers, builders or data admins and defining access by dashboard categories. The system assigns users to a primary group of dashboards and may assign some users as viewers to secondary groups of dashboards.

Ready for Dashboards?

Are you looking for better business intelligence on the shop floor and in the office? Let’s talk about AIM Vision dashboards that deliver real time visual representation of key performance indicators.

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